2016年9月1日 星期四

「4K知識+」 Q&A網頁 提供專業4K資訊 / Webpage dedicated to 4K display standard goes up

因應4K護眼大型液晶上市,於BenQ Taiwan官網建置「4K知識+」網頁,幫助消費者了解4K電視的基礎知識,並提供挑選4K電視的實用撇步。期望BenQ在消費者購物決策過程中,能夠提供有效的資訊,提升品牌好感及指名度,另外,透過較為軟性的內容,可增加網站自然流量,達到集客式行銷的效果。


In conjunction with the launch of our 4K eye-protective large-screen flat-panel television, BenQ Taiwan built a webpage focused on information about 4K video resolution. The webpage aids consumers in understanding the basic facts about 4K televisions, and provides a practical step-by-step guide to selecting one. The hope is that BenQ can provide useful information to consumers as they make a purchase decision, while also enhancing our brand image and brand loyalty. Additional human-interest content on the page promises to increase traffic to the website, creating an effective channel for inbound marketing.

